Monday, January 30, 2017

Eating Leftovers - Deetz's Understanding

It has always been my philosophy that it is the Sub that runs the relationship.  Doms need to dominate, to feel and present themselves as the ones in control.  They live to cause and watch the pleasure their acts bring to their Subs. But, if you watched the typical BDSM porn, you’d think it was more ‘SM’ than ‘BD’ and even in cases of the latter, the subtleness of real master-slave relationships is notable for its absence.  Although we’ve engaged in a form of Japanese ‘tight binding’ called Kinbaku, we’d never dealt in harshness or intentional infliction of pain. An instance of violent assault as a teen was as much sexually-based abuse as I ever wanted to endure.   This is and will always be about control and Angus, fy annwyl, my beloved husband, knows when I’m not in control.

Monday, January 16, 2017

a scene from The Children of Project Ice Worm

These are chapters from The Children of Project Iceworm (tentative publishing date of summer of 2018) which is the sequel to The Roswell Discrepancy (coming out June 2017).  Both are the adventures of my husband, Angus Mac Innes-Reese, our crew, and myself as we combat international bad folks then expose and debunk government lies all in service of Her Majesty - all the while enjoying some very hot sex. 
This scene is set in Tel Aviv, where Angus and I are to met up with my best friend from Chicago, LaTonya "Toni" Hoffman.  Angus and I have been married now for over five years and I am about to become ordained as a rabbi.  Angus is a peer of the realm, a member of the House of Lords, venture capitalist, and a founder of a nonprofit that helps those who need artificial limbs. I am finishing my studies and thinking about doing more, but Angus doesn't know it yet. 
Typically, Angus and I are exclusive.  He's not only my husband but also my best friend.  But something magical is going on here.  I just don't know what.  Or maybe her hot body and some unresolved feelings are just more temptations than us two boys can handle?

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

New Book Rising

Old Musing # 67

You know your life sucks when your morning hard on makes you depressed. 

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Old Dick and the Sea-THE FULL STORY

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ABOUT THE SHOW If Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David could make a show about nothing… we figured we could make a Jewish podcast about everything. How does Judaism intersect with contemporary culture and illuminate how people live their lives? We don’t profess to have answers, just a host of questions, some profound, some rather goofy. Along the way we’ll learn about Judaism, the arts, politics, living a good life, and the interconnectedness of all things. Join Reconstructing Judaism's Bryan Schwartzman and Rachael Burgess for a weekly podcast about everything Jewish. Subscribe by Email This podcast is produced by Reconstructing Judaism. Visit us at

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