Monday, April 27, 2020

3rd Installment of COVID-19 and the Submissive

COVID-19 & THE SUBMISSIVE - Musing # 1348: Family Quarantine – Day 1 minus 2
Chapter 2 – Deetz, Angus, and Toni
I undressed him like a King, slowly, ensuring each item was precisely folded or hung as if each item were also human.  I am the son of the 11th Earl’s valet.  I learned servitude from my father as he was part of a dynasty – a Mac Innes male had worked for an Earl of Glamorgan since the 1800s.  Da wasn’t bi like me but he greatly admired his earl.  I love my earl too, but I do it on my knees atop of a ketubah, a marriage contract.  I’ve spent much time wondering what my queerphobic father, dead now almost six years, would think of how I was fulfilling my duty.

Sunday, April 12, 2020


COVID-19 & THE SUBMISSIVE - Musing # 1348: Family Quarantine – Day 1 minus 2
Chapter 1 – Deetz and Angus
Some background, eh?  My name is Desmond Mac Innes-Reese.  Most folks call me Deetz.  I’m married to the 12th Earl of Glamorgan, Angus Mac Innes-Reese, a descendent of Welsh royalty and one of the richest men in the world (yeah, just like the fairy tales).  My sister Ciara says I look like Bruce Lee’s brother from another mother.  Angus looks like he just left the cover of some corner store bodice ripper, kilt and all.  We’ve been married for nearly six years and things are changing. 

Sunday, April 5, 2020


Musing # 1348: Family Quarantine - Day 17


“I’m not sure this is what they meant by concept social distancing, Angus,” I managed to say.

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ABOUT THE SHOW If Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David could make a show about nothing… we figured we could make a Jewish podcast about everything. How does Judaism intersect with contemporary culture and illuminate how people live their lives? We don’t profess to have answers, just a host of questions, some profound, some rather goofy. Along the way we’ll learn about Judaism, the arts, politics, living a good life, and the interconnectedness of all things. Join Reconstructing Judaism's Bryan Schwartzman and Rachael Burgess for a weekly podcast about everything Jewish. Subscribe by Email This podcast is produced by Reconstructing Judaism. Visit us at

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