My friend and biographer Staci had to put her dog down today. She's really feeling it right now. Please send your prayers. Here is what she wrote on FB.
Our dog joined the "backyard in the sky" where it's always 70 degrees F, the water bowl is always full, and the squirrels are slow. I was going to do this whole multi-media presentation but I just don't have it right now. She was a good dog and I'm going to miss her.
We #Jews have a prayer for everything. Here is the one for the passing of a pet:
Hashem, Your faithfulness reaches to heaven; Your steadfastness to the sky; Your beneficence is like the high mountains; Your justice like the great deep; humanity and beast. You deliver, Hashem. (Psalm 36:6-7)
Source of Life, we praise you each day for the compassion that encompasses the earth and all its creatures. We give you thanks for the gift of life that we shared with Sadie.
In the Torah we are reminded that at the beginning of the sixth day, “G-d said, ‘Let the earth bring forth every kind of living creature: cattle, creeping things, and wild beasts of every kind.’ And it was so. G-d made wild beasts of every kind, and cattle of every kind, and all kinds of creeping things of the earth. And G-d saw that this was good” (Genesis 1: 24-25).
Baruch ata Hashem, bore et ha-kol. Blessed are You Hashem, Creator of all.
For what our pet has done for us, let us thank the Source of all life. And let the remembrance of Sadie be a source of help to others of G-d’s creatures. In lieu of flowers please send a donation to #MichiganHumaneSociety in her name.
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